Hello! My name is Claire Cogar and I am a Master of Music Therapy Student at Ohio University and the new intern at Rhythm Garden Music. I am originally from Akron, Ohio and I went to the University of Akron
Intern Corner: Welcome Claire!

103 West Main Street
Jasonville, Indiana
Hello! My name is Claire Cogar and I am a Master of Music Therapy Student at Ohio University and the new intern at Rhythm Garden Music. I am originally from Akron, Ohio and I went to the University of Akron
Thank you Hello again everyone (for one last time)! I know I’ve said this just about every time, but I cannot believe that I am already at the end of my internship! It’s hard to put into words just how
Hello again! It’s been another month here, which must mean it’s time for another blog update! I’m now just about a month out from my internship here being done, which is hard to believe – I feel like I’ve learned
It’s that time again – another month gone; another intern blog! With this space I’ve generally been using it to share updates about how things here are going or advice/lessons that I’ve learned along the way, but this path
Hello again! I’m back, and am here with a ‘halfway through internship’ update! It really does feel like I just started, so it’s hard to believe I’m at the midpoint here already – so much has happened all so fast.
Hello again! I cannot believe that I’ve already been with RGM for a month – time has just been flying by! My original plan for this post was for it to be an update on how things are going here
Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Weithers, and I am the new music therapy intern at Rhythm Garden Music (RGM). This is the first of the monthly blog posts I’ll be doing during my time here, and wanted this post
It is month 6 of my internship which means I am coming upon the last few sessions with my clients. Building relationships with the different people I have worked with over the course of my internship has truly been the
The quote, “when words fail, music speaks” is undoubtedly extremely cheesy. However, I see the truth in it more and more with each session I lead. I both observe and lead multiple clients that are nonverbal. This does not stop
Mid-way through internship checklist: Leading multiple sessions a day? Check Developing rapport with clients? Check Doing an online session completely led by a puppet? Check Learning how to venture out from session plans? Check Having everything figured out? Yeah, not