Hello again! I’m back, and am here with a ‘halfway through internship’ update! It really does feel like I just started, so it’s hard to believe I’m at the midpoint here already – so much has happened all so fast. Looking back, it’s wild to see how much I have learned and grown over the past couple of months, in ways I didn’t really notice as it was happening. Going into a session without a strict plan of what to do? Unthinkable to past Sarah. Leading up to five sessions a day? Used to feel like so much and left me so drained but now is normal and what I do almost everyday. The number of new songs I’ve learned while I’ve been here (or even just in the past week)? I mean I’m sure I could count them all, but it would take awhile!
At the beginning of my time with RGM, I put together a list of goals for myself while I was here – both things to do and things to learn from my experience here. I’ve spent a lot of time recently thinking about those goals we set a couple of months ago, and how even unintentionally I’ve reached goals about learning new music, and building a rapport with clients, and bringing in new ideas and interventions to use during our sessions. There’s still a lot to learn, of course, but we’re on the right path, for sure. Every week is something new, but that means I get to do a little bit of everything, which I love. Things have definitely been very busy around here, but in the best possible way. I cannot wait to see where the next three months takes me, and to continue to learn how to be the best music therapist that I can be.
Until next time,