It’s that time again – another month gone; another intern blog! With this space I’ve generally been using it to share updates about how things here are going or advice/lessons that I’ve learned along the way, but this path month has more about quiet progress than any big revelations. It’s been a month of getting more and more comfortable and confident with what I’m doing, but still trying to move beyond that comfort zone to try new things; a month of continuing to work on and learn new music, and to strengthen my skills on guitar to be able to best meet all our clients where they need; a month of settling in here at Rhythm Garden, while just starting to think about how fast things are moving from here to the end (but shhh, we’re not going to think about all that just yet).
What’s really struck me recently is even as things here are becoming more familiar every day, there’s still always something new. Recently I realized that working with clients here is the longest time I’ve ever actually led sessions with anyone (our school practicums were shorter and way less hours) and there’s still time to go. Another change from school is the schedule – gone are the days of working on homework in the middle of the night before rolling right back into things the following morning. It’s a matter of scheduling but it’s also a matter of boundaries – knowing to do work things during business hours and then making sure to leave the weekends and evenings for hobbies and seeing friends and self-care. It’s been an interesting balance lately between that while still having time to practice and to be able to be prepared for all the sessions I’m running, but it’s something I’m better at than before. And that really is what I love about this work – there is always something new to learn. It makes every day an adventure!
Until next time,