Hello! My name is Sarah Hopkins and I am the current music therapy intern at Rhythm Garden Music (RGM). This blog post is the first of a series I will be writing as a window into what it’s like to be a music therapy intern at RGM, reflections on my experiences, what I’ve learned, and other subjects pertaining to internship. I will pass this blog on to the next intern, she will pass it on to the next, and so on. I hope it will become a reflective space for myself and future RGM interns and a resource for students anticipating internship and/or looking at applying to RGM’s internship.
I am originally from Vincennes, Indiana and moved to Terre Haute for college. I majored in music education at Indiana State University and learned about music therapy during my sophomore year from a friend who was currently pursuing music therapy. The following year I transferred to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC) and fell deeper in love with the profession as I moved further along in the program.
I started my internship in January as part of attaining my 1200 clinical hours required for my bachelor’s degree and am approaching my final month as an intern. I have developed a love for working with people on the Medicaid Waiver and find the music therapy profession rewarding each day. I look forward to working as a new professional after I take my board certification exam in July to become a Board-Certified Music Therapist (MT-BC).
I have been married to my husband, JT, for 2 years and we have 7 cats. I LOVE cats and collect cat-themed items like blankets, statues, decorative items, and anything I can get my hands on. I enjoy going to the movie theater with JT and am exploring more hobbies now that I am approaching professional life. After 6 years of being a full-time college student, free time is a whole new world.
Thank you for reading the first Rhythm Garden Music intern blog post! Please join me and future interns as we explore perspectives and experiences on the blog moving forward.