Hello! My name is Leah Young and I am the new intern at Rhythm Garden Music (RGM). I am excited to introduce myself through this blog and to document my experience throughout my time here. I am from Elmhurst, IL, a suburb of Chicago. I moved to Bloomington-Normal, IL, to attend Illinois State University (my version of ISU!), majoring in music therapy from the start. In high school, I didn’t know if I wanted to continue with music or major in a health-related field, like physical therapy. I don’t remember how I learned about music therapy, but I thought it was a great combination and knew that was what I wanted to do. I could continue to make music while helping others at the same time.
My primary instrument is the French horn. I was very involved in performing ensembles throughout college, as well as did 5 years in Illinois State’s marching band, The Big Red Marching Machine, serving as a drum major for 2 years. It’s safe to say that I am huge band nerd!
I found RGM on the AMTA National Roster site and was immediately entranced by this cute little music therapy practice and couldn’t wait to apply. I will complete my 1200 hours of clinical work over the next 6 months. I am looking forward to working with a variety of populations and clients, as well as learn the in and outs of a small music centered business. I hope to grow in my music and clinical skills and am excited to learn about the Indiana Medicaid waiver and how it grants access to music therapy.
I love to be outside and active, summer is my absolute favorite season and I would spend it all at the pool if I could. I love watching movies and listening to movie scores, hanging out with my nieces and nephews, and doing large puzzles. Over the past few years I have started tapping into my artistic side and have had fun painting and drawing. One of my favorite things I did recently was follow a Bob Ross painting tutorial.
While I’ve never thought of myself as a great writer, I am excited to document my journey as a music therapy intern at RGM and to have my thoughts and experiences here for myself to look back on and for future interns to reference. Stay tuned for updates!