I originally posted this on my blog The Music Therapy MOMpreneur, where I discuss my journey parenting a toddler, owning a business, and navigating my career in general. Moving into the role of parent in my early childhood classes in addition to teacher has given me a new perspective. Below are the top five things about the classes that I value as a parent.
1. Structured Interaction With Other Children
One of the biggest reasons parents note for participating in classes is for their children to have social interaction. The structured format of the class guarantees that your child will have the opportunity to begin learning how to interact socially with other children and adults. By observing the other children and by seeing what you model, your child is learning how to transition to new activities, how to share, how to wait, and how to listen.
2. Interaction With Other Parents
Until I had my son, I did not fully understand the importance of interacting with other adults, particularly those who have a child close in age to mine. It is so great to be able to connect with people who have shared experiences (both good and bad), not to mention the ideas shared on how to deal with the not so pleasant aspects of parenting (teething, anyone?).
3. Exercise
I think I make a joke every semester about marketing the class as a post-baby workout session. Seriously though, there are weeks where you definitely get your workout- between chasing toddlers, lifting them up in the air for sensory exploration, and dancing, you can certainly get your heart rate up. Of course, every activity can be modified to fit your own comfort and ability level- so don’t let that scare you off.
4. New Techniques
Having so many songs and rhymes in my bag of tricks just to get through a diaper change or a long car ride has made life so much easier. In our house, Tiny Tim the Turtle can be heard at least once a day to get us through diaper changes when he doesn’t want to sit still for 30 seconds, let alone long enough to change his diaper.
5. Focused One on One Time
Life is BUSY. No matter how hard to you try, there always seems to be something else to vie for your time. A class that is geared specifically just for you and your child gives you approximately 30-35 minutes to leave all the other busy-ness at the door and just be mom/dad/grandparent and child. Now that’s something you can’t put on a price on.